Authenticity With Integrity

Authenticity With Integrity: How to Be the Real You In Work and Life

We live in a world where we are always encouraged to be somebody else. TV, movies, and shows encourage us to live and act a certain way. Here are some strategies to stop living, feeling, and acting the way that the world wants you to and develop true authenticity with integrity.

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Mindy Johnson
Limiting Beliefs

Do you ever feel that something is holding you back, but you just aren’t sure what it is? One of the worst things that hold us back in life is limiting beliefs.

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Mindy Johnson
The Triple A Concept

Awareness. Acceptance. Authenticity.

Awareness is the foundation for change. If you are self-aware, you grow as a leader. By understanding your belief system, values, thoughts, feelings, emotions, responses, energy level and beyond, you can reach your highest potential.

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Level 7
Mastery vs. Performance Orientation

If you are always focusing on results, rather than opportunity, you are depleting your energy. Not every work task is going to net the results you want. But as long as you learn and you grow, you still get something out of the experience. With that type of thinking, you are increasing your energy.

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Level 7
Shifting Your Emotions When Needed

If you find yourself experiencing negative emotions when dealing with team members, as a leader, it is up to you to shift your emotions to improve the interaction. What you do in the moment makes a huge difference for what happens next.

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Level 7