Societal Conditioning

Societal Conditioning: 3 Steps for Breaking Free and Unleashing Your Highest Self


From the time that we are born, we are always told to be something. Societal conditioning starts the moment that we take our first breath. The expectations and influences of our society have a massive impact on our beliefs, mindset, and how much that we tap into our inborn potential.

For most people, society has brainwashed them into having a poor self-image of a person that can’t live their dreams. To break free from the influence that society has on your mindset, you have to take control of your mind and own yourself. You have to consciously decide who you want to become.

Step 1: It All Starts With Awareness

How many people do you know that are working jobs that they hate? Or, how many people do you know that are highly intelligent, and yet, they live as if they haven’t got the slightest bit of potential. This is a prime example of the brainwashing that plagues so many of us.

In contrast, most people aren’t even aware that they are brainwashed! They just assume that because their family or society around them lives a certain way, that they have the same fate – living a life of unfulfillment.

Just by realizing that your mindset has been heavily influenced by society, you have already taken the first step to breaking free from it. You can’t change something if you don’t know that it exists to begin. After becoming aware of societal conditioning, you may still struggle with your mindset and believing in yourself. This is perfectly normal and is your first step into a bigger world of unlimited possibilities.

Step 2: Identify Your Limiting Beliefs

The most powerful way that society stops you from reaching your full potential is by heavily influencing your beliefs. Perhaps you want to start that online business or flower shop that you’ve always wanted to start – but society says, “No, you have to work for someone to stay secure”.

Whatever you believe about yourself will become true, whether you like it or not. If you believe that you’re nobody, you’ll live as if you’re a nobody. If you believe that you are overflowing with potential, you’ll live life accordingly and take massive action towards your dreams.

How do you identify a limiting belief? A fast, easy way to identify a limiting belief is to stop and think about the negative emotions in your life. Then, ask yourself what you would need to believe to feel that way. For example, if you struggle with anxiety, ask yourself “What would I need to believe to feel this way?”.

Once you’ve identified your limiting belief, picking a new empowering belief will be simple. All you have to do is pick the opposite of your limiting belief. If your limiting belief is “I’m not smart enough to succeed”, replace it with the statement “I’m a genius with extremely high levels of intelligence!”.

Step 3: Condition Your New Empowering Beliefs and Mindset


Breaking free from societal conditioning doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process that can take weeks, months, and sometimes even years. Why does it take so long? Look at it this way, if you’re someone that has been beaten up emotionally for decades, changing your mindset and beliefs isn’t going to happen overnight.

One of the best ways to condition your new empowering beliefs and mindset is through a morning ritual. Every single morning, say out loud your new empowering beliefs with vigor and enthusiasm. When you wake up, don’t hit the snooze button and avoid social media. This is exactly how society has programmed most people to start their mornings.

Over to You!

No matter how badly society has conditioned you to be or think a certain way, you always have the capability within you to relinquish it at any time. All it takes is a decision. One simple, easy decision can completely change the course of your entire life. You awaken this potential by becoming aware, taking charge of your belief system, and cultivating a successful mindset every single day.



Mindy Johnson