Authenticity With Integrity

Authenticity With Integrity: How to Be the Real You In Work and Life

We live in a world where we are always encouraged to be somebody else. TV, movies, and shows encourage us to live and act a certain way. Here are some strategies to stop living, feeling, and acting the way that the world wants you to and develop true authenticity with integrity.

Stop Seeking Validation!

We’ve all been there. You’re acting, feeling, and thinking the way that you believe will please a person that you look up to. While you can always pull it off, you’ll always have pain deep inside of yourself because you know that this isn’t you.

To stop acting like somebody that you aren’t, you need to stop seeking other people’s approval. This doesn’t mean that you’ll turn into a wild person; you’re simply allowing yourself to be your natural self that is amazing.

The fastest band-aid ripped off way to stop needing other people’s approval of you is to challenge yourself to be yourself in any given situation. This one can be tricky because it can often mean feeling or looking like a fool. Realize that this is perfectly fine because this means that you’re getting used to being the real you!

The more that you throw out the real you into the world and allow yourself to be judged, criticized, or made fun of, a strange thing happens – you stop caring. You start to get desensitized to how other people expect you to act.

Another interesting thing also begins to happen; not only have you freed yourself from the need for approval, but people start respecting you more. Why? Because most people have a lot of respect for a person that has true authenticity with integrity, even if they disagree with them.

Live in the Present Moment

Every single limiting belief, story, and self-limitation that you have all have one common denominator – they originate from the mind. You see, the natural state of all human beings is true authenticity, confidence, and charisma.

Our attachment to the negative thought patterns in our mind is what holds us back from being who we truly are. If you get outside of your head and learn to live in the present moment, you will enter a realm that is 100% free of any limiting belief. This takes a lot of practice but will transform your life.

Here are some easy ways to instantly get outside of your head and into the present moment:

·       Meditation and mindfulness.

·       Exercise.

·       Getting out in nature.

·       Dancing.

·       Drawing and painting.

Were you ever really down and going through a hard time, but something happened that took you completely outside of your head and you forgot about all of your pain? This is the power of the present moment. The more that you can access the Now, the more you’ll experience this miracle.

Over to You

If you’re ready to overcome the need for validation and start being the real, authentic you, it is yours for the taking. The person that you truly are underneath all the layers of limitations is a person that is full of life, energy, and confidence. Who wouldn’t want to be around someone like that that has authenticity and integrity?

Start challenging yourself today by giving yourself small challenges to overcome the need for validation. Also, start a daily practice that will get you outside of your head and into the present moment. The more that you can do those two things, the faster you’ll overcome approval addiction and be who you were made to be.

Mindy Johnson