Limiting Beliefs
What Are Limiting Beliefs And How Do you Annihilate Them?
Do you ever feel that something is holding you back, but you just aren’t sure what it is? One of the worst things that hold us back in life is limiting beliefs.
How did we adopt these seemingly soul-crushing beliefs about ourselves? Most often, they will stem from childhood. Most likely, an older adult, bully, or parent told you in some way, shape, or form that you weren’t good enough.
Fortunately, you can condition a new, empowering belief using the same process that you used to adopt a negative belief about yourself.
A Four-Step Process for Destroying Limiting Beliefs
Step 1: Identify the limiting belief
To identify your limiting belief, ask yourself “What do I believe about myself that is causing suffering in my life?”. Your brain will be begin to dig deep into your consciousness to find the answers. Or, you may already know the exact belief that holds you back.
Step 2: Question the limiting belief
The most powerful way to damage a limiting belief is to question it. Ask yourself “Is that true?”, “Is it possible that this limiting belief is only a misinterpretation of a life event”?
The more that you question the limiting belief, the more you begin to doubt it. You start to become skeptical of the belief, even if you were certain about it to begin with.
Constantly questioning a limiting belief by itself can oftentimes be enough to destroy it. If not, that’s ok because you’ll still be hitting that nasty belief with a fatal blow every time you question it.
Step 3: Create a new empowering belief and find references to support it.
Think of any belief as being like a tabletop with legs. The tabletop represents the belief and each leg of the table represents a reference that you have to support the belief.
The more that you question, doubt and become skeptical of your limiting belief, the more you begin to knock off the legs of the table until it comes crashing down!
Now, you must create a new empowering belief to replace the old negative pattern. How do you do this? It’s easy, simply write down the exact opposite of your limiting belief. For example, if your old limiting belief is “I’m not good enough”, you can replace it with the new empowering belief “I am more than enough!”.
Step 4: Condition the new empowering belief
Your brain is in a constant state of homeostasis – in other words, it hates change! If you find yourself being pulled back towards your limiting belief, don’t worry, this is absolutely normal.
A new empowering belief is like a muscle. It will be weak in the beginning, but the more that you condition it every day, the stronger it becomes.
How do you condition a new empowering belief?
First and foremost, always look for new references to support your new empowering belief. Look for examples in your life; you’ll find them!
One of the most incredible ways to condition a new empowering belief is through affirmations and incantations. Write down your new empowering belief and turn it into an affirmation and say it out loud every day for at least 3 times.
Take it a step further and use incantations. Think of incantations as an affirmation on steroids. Instead of simply saying it loud, you say it with enthusiasm, and you use your entire body to express yourself.
How Creating New Empowering Beliefs Can Transform Your Life
Limiting beliefs can make you feel powerless. In fact, because most people don’t even know about limiting beliefs. They simply accept things as they are.
You are one of the few people that knows that there is a better way to live life. You know deep down that you are meant for something greater and that there’s fabricated stories inside of your head.
If you go through the 4-Step process for annihilating limiting beliefs, you will completely transform the quality of your life.
Another great article on limiting beliefs can be found here: