Mastery vs. Performance Orientation

If you are always focusing on results, rather than opportunity, you are depleting your energy. Not every work task is going to net the results you want. But as long as you learn and you grow, you still get something out of the experience. With that type of thinking, you are increasing your energy.

Always look at the positive. What did you learn? What can you do differently next time? What good came out of the situation? Maybe you met a new connection or learned a new skill. 

Try to implement an ABC Plan for any task. A is Ideal, B is the Back-Up and C is the Safety Net. If you look ahead and what might be challenging and put plans in place to still find success no matter what, you are one step ahead of the curve. 

You are always winning and always working toward success if you look at the opportunity over the end result. 

If you want to delve into this topic even more, please reach out.

Level 7